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+46 767612403
Anne W. Lindelöf is a Norwegian soprano, recognised for her beauty of tone and exceptionally heartfelt musicality and onstage presence. She received her education at the Norwegian Academy of Opera in Oslo, and has established herself within a full lyric operatic repertoire including roles such as Violetta, Marguerite, Micaëla, Liù and Tosca.
She has also portrayed more unusual characters such as the title role in Piazzolla's tango operita "María de Buenos Aires", and the role of Napoleon in Carl Unander-Scharin's modern opera "Tokfursten". Anne has performed on stages such as The Estonian National Opera, The Norwegian Opera & Ballet, Dalhalla Opera, Bergen National Opera, Oslo Operafestival, Flagstadfestivalen, Konserthuset Stockholm and Vattnäs Konsertlada.
Anne W. Lindelöf - Rachmaninoff - "Ne poy, krasavitsa, pri mne"
Anne W. Lindelöf, soprano,
Olesya Tutova, piano
Anne W. Lindelöf - Puccini - Tu che di gel sei cinta