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Clifford Lewis

Clifford Lewis


Göran Eliasson
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+46 767612403
Clifford Lewis is a young, talented Swedish-Welsh tenor who was trained at Härnösands Folkhögskola/Operastudio and at Stockholms Konstnärliga Högskola (formerly the Opera College). Clifford appeared in the 2021-2022 season in two productions at the Royal Opera in Stockholm, as Josef in Mats Larsson Gothe's Löftet and as Harry in La Fanciulla del West. In the summer of 2022, Clifford appeared in Vattnäs Konsertladas production of Die Zauberflöte as Monostatos and Erste Geharnischte and as Rodolpho in Dala Floda Opera's production of La Bohème. In the summer of 2023 Clifford played a role in the opera Andefabriken in Vadstena and in the spring of 2024 he sang Mr. Bingley in Daniel Nelson's opera Stolthet och Fördom at Norrlandsoperan. In summer 2024 he sang Pinkerton in Madame Butterfly at Opera at Österbybruk and The Priest in Döttrarna mina at Dala Floda Opera. Upcoming production is La Boheme at Norrland Opera as Rodolphe with premiere winter 2025. 1st Soldier and Lucano in L'incoronazione di Poppea in Vattnäs Concert Barn.


"Så kall ni är om handen" from La Boheme in Dala Floda Opera, Rodolfo: Clifford Lewis

"Så kall ni är om handen" from La Boheme in Dala Floda Opera, Rodolfo: Clifford Lewis

"È la solita storia del pastore, from Lárlesiana by F.Cilea

Tenor: Clifford Lewis Piano: Henrik Löwenmark Recorded December of 2021

"Nebbie" - Ottorino Respighi (poem by Ada Negri)

Tenor: Clifford Lewis Piano: Dimitry Tyapkin


PHoto: Lars Redhe
Photo: Göran Eliasson
Photo: Martin Hellström
Photo: Martin Hellström
Photo: Lars Redhe
Photo: Göran Eliasson
Photo: Elin Berge
Photo: Elin Berge
Photo: Göran Eliasson

