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Philip Hartman

Philip Hartman

Bass baritone

Philip Hartman
Göran Eliasson
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+46 767612403
Philip Hartman, is a bass baritone from Malmö. Philip has sung 2e Geharnische Mann in Die Zauberflöte Opera at Skäret in 2019, Sciarrone/Fångvaktaren in Tosca at Skånska Opera in 2023 and the lead role Oscar in the newly written White Bridge by Josef Zetterberg Pihl at Höör's summer opera in 2024. Philip is currently attending the Opera Pro development program under Anna Larsson 2024 – 2025, is educated at the Master's program in classical singing at the Academy of Music in Malmö and the Vadstena Singing and Piano Academy. The main role as Olof Palme in the newly written opera Konstruktionen by Jonatan Sersam, May 2023. Parts of Colline and Scarpia in "An evening with Puccini" directed by Philip Mønsted-Madsen Briggs in 2021, baritone soloist in Ronöm Cyklus, a newly written work by Jacob Thonander Glans at Nordic Song Festival August 2021, one of three main roles in Taja and Anna Asta's chamber opera Parainphernalia May 2021 as well as Marco in Cileas l'Arlesiana with the Opera bands in 2020. Philip is a frequently engaged oratorio soloist and has sung bass solo in basically all church works.


Philip Hartman, R Wagner, Tannhäuser, O du mein...Wie Todes Ahnung

Philip Hartman, Wagner, Tannhäuser, O du mein...Wie Todes Ahnung, piano Darya Tchaikovsky

Philip Hartman, G Rossini, Sois immobile from Guillaume Tell by.

Philip Hartman, G Rossini, Sois immobile from Guillaume Tell by. Piano Darya Tchaikovsky.

